
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2024

p39 ex 5,6,7,8

   5: How many followers have you got on Twitter? I get breaking news all day, so I don't watch the news on TV. To set up a packet data box connection, select Mobile network. Leave a voice message, and I'll listen to it later. I prefer having face-to-face conversation on Skype. It's easy to keep in touch with people. 6.  You don't have to pay for this app - it's free. Is the number of characters in an SMS limited? If you are paying low rates, it means you are getting a cheap deal. Your home telephone is called a landline. A recipient is someone who received something. I was born in England, so French is a foreign language to me. To change the clock display on your phone, go into settings. 7.  Can you translate this word into English, please? An error message will appear if you make a mistake. Does this app allow us to create groups for messaging? My friends and I use Instagram to share our photos. If the message contains more than 140 characters, you can't tweet...


  martphone Features battery life - durada de la bateria budget model - model bàsic child-safe - segur per a nens device - dispositiu dust-resistant - resistent al pols feature - característica good value - ben valorat GPS monitoring system - sistema de monitorització GPS high-quality - alta qualitat lens - lent mapping software - programari de mapes office apps - aplicacions d'oficina protective case - funda de protecció remotely - remotament shatterproof - irrompible speakerphone - altaveu water-resistant - resistent a l'aigua zoom control - control de zoom Smartphone Apps activate - activar allow - permetre appear - apareixer breaking news - noticies d'ùltima hora characters - caràcters face-to-face - cara a cara followers - seguidors foreign language - llenguatge estranger free - gratuit keep in touch - mantenir el contacte landline - telèfon fix low rates - tarifes baixes navigate - navegar packet data - paquet de dades recipient - destinatari settings - parametres sha...


  A: Can you help me, please? Why is this smartphone cheaper than that one? B: This one is a budget model. That one is a top-of-the-range phone. It's got all the latest features. A: What are the main differences between them? B: The main advantage of budget smartphones is the lower price. They've got the same basic functions, but they haven't got as many extra features. A: Can you still get a good Internet connection on the cheaper ones? B: Yes, no problem.  A: What about downloading films? B: If you want a smartphone for downloading, playing games, etc. it's better to get one of the more expensive models. This Timewise Mercury is great value. A: What other disadvantages has the budget smartphone got? B: The camera isn't as good as on an expensive model. The images are lower resolution and the lens and sensors are lower quality. A: That's good to know. The camera is what I use the most. B: Also, the battery in a budget smartphone doesn't last as long as in t...