
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2023

How to assamble a sound card

 First turn off your computer Second remove de side panel and unscrew the sound card Third put on the slot the new card and screw it Fouth play a music for check it

Unit 2 vocabulary

  Parts of a computer Dvd drive Disc dvd fan ventilador hard drive disc dur heart sink disipador de calor Mothermoard placa base Processor (CPU) procesador RAM chip memoria ram Sound card tarjeta de so USB port port usb Adjectives advanced avançat basic basic cheap barat expensive car heavy pesat large gran light lleuger litle petit loud fort narrow estret quick rapid  quiet tranquil slow lent useful  util usless inutil wide ample Ordinals first primer secon   segon thirdt ercer fourth cuart fifth cinqué sixth sisé seventh seté eigght vuité ninth nové tenth desé Parts of a computer cable cable case caixa  chip chip clip piça front panel panell frontal power supply font d'alimentació side paanel panell lateral slot ranura socket   endoll switch interuptor Verbs atach adjutar connect conectar deach separar disconnect desconectar insert insertar plug in conectar remove esborrar screw cargol turn off apagar turn on engegar unplug desconectar unscre...

Buying a computer

A Can i help you? B Yes.I want to buy a laptop  A What sort of laptop are you looking for? B I need qa small ,light computer. I often go on bussiness trips A What do you need for use it for B I need it for word documents and excel A Do you want to use for download music and films? B no,don't,but  I need  to use the internet a lot A Ok I think this laptop is what are you looking for  B How much is it A It's €600 It's on special offer this week I recommend it B Yes it's exactly what I need,and it's a good price   B What colours does it coming A Blue,black and white B Ok I'd like blue one please Et puc ajudar? Si estic buscant un portatil Quin tipus d'us el faras servir? Necesito un portatil petit i lleuger Per a que el faras servir  Word i Excel El faras servir per a descaregar pel·licules i musica No, nomes per a internet Ok crec que aquest es una bona opció Quant es ? Son 600#€es una oferta especial aquesta setmana Si es un bon preu Quins colors tens? ...

Bussines card


my presentation
