At trade exhibition
Good morning. can i help you?
Yes I'm looking for the banking Plus exhibit
That's exhibit number 218
Thank you
Excuse me. Can you tell me where the exhibi 345 is?
Let me check. It's an exhibuit of apps for the automobile industry. It's over there with the red sign
I'm interested in software for education
Just a moment... Ok, you want exhibit numbers 107, 159 and 96. Here's a map to help you
Thank you
You're welcome. Enjoy the exhibition
Bon dia et puc ajudar?
Si estic buscant la exibicio de Banking plus
Esta en la sala 218
Hola que em podeu dir on está la exibició 345
Deixam mirar es una exibició de aplicacions sobre automobilisme esta allá on la porta vermenlla
Estic interesat en aprendre software
Un moment si us plau ... mira tens que anara al numero 107 159 y 96 per que et ajuden gracies
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